Benim derdim onu bunu devirmek degil yaklasmakta olan tehlikeye dikkatleri cekmek. Kuresel ekonominin dustugu durum futboluda etkiledi ve daha da etkileyecek. Bugun Avrupa futbolunun mali deger olarak 26% ini temsil eden Ingiliz kulupleri dunyanin en zengin kulupleri olmalarina ragmen 5 milyar euro borc altinda zorlanmakta. Sponsorlar teker teker cekilmekte. Transfer cilginligi eger bugunku formunu korursa ki durum onu gosteriyor durum gitgide kotulesecek.
Biz GS SK nun bugunku haliyle bile artik donusu olmayan bir yolda oldugunun farkindamiyiz degilmiyiz? Once ona karar verelim ondan sonra da gelenek gorenek, dusurmek yada dusurmemek konusuruz.
Turkiye'de durum dunyadakinden daha da kotu. Hic olmazsa disarida (ki ben 33 yildir Fransa'da yasiyorum ve durumu yakindan takip ediyorum) transferde arti veren yani geliri giderinden fazla olan kulup sayisi oldukca fazla. Turkiye'de benim bildigim (ki meslegim icabi yanilmam soz konusu degil) transferde para kazanan kulup yok. Bu da sunu gosteriyor. Transfer ulkemizde kulubun yararlarina degil isin basindakilerin yararina yapilmakta. Bunun baska bir izahi yok. Kaldi ki bu durum UEFA'nin basindakiler tarafindan da defalarca dile getirilerek Avrupa futbol piyasasinin dikkatleri cekilmek istendi.
Biz Turkiye'ye ve de ozellikle Galatasaray'a donersek, bazi kilit noktalarda calisanlarin bazi baskanlarca goreve "bu isi Turkiye'de ondan iyi bilen yok" yalani ile getirildikleri ve defalarca aksi ispatlanmasina ragmen ya yaptirim imkani olmadigindan veya milletimizin balik hafizali olmasinda dolayidirki durumun surup gittigi hepimizin malumu. Hal boyleyken yani adama gore is degil, ise gore adam politikasi bazi cikarlar icabi surdurulurken, futbol ekonomisi ekonomik krizden etkilendigi icin catirdamaktayken, kulubumuzun elden gittigi acik secik ortadayken artik gelenek gorenek yoktur. Gelenek gorenek Galatasaray bir lise takimiyken vardi. Galatasaray bir dunya kulubu olacaksa herseyden once kendimize bir ceki duzen vermeli ve futbol ekonomisinin gereklerini yerine getirmeliyiz.
Gelenek ve gorenekle Sampiyonlar ligine katilinmiyor, sportif basari da gelmiyor. Elin kici kirik Lviv Karpaty takimi gelip seni eliyor ve sonrada Avrupa'da averaj takimi haline gelip alay konusu oluyor. Kulubumuzun bugunku yapisiyla ve bugunku yonetim mantalitesiyle artik hicbir sportif basariyi ve mali dengeyi umit edemeyecegi ortada.
Ben yeri gelmisken komikliklerin icinde en komik olay olan Lucescu olayina da deginmek isterim ki ulkemizde ve tabii bizim kulubumuzde ne gibi bir dusunce tarzi mevcut anlasilabilsin.
Ne yazikki benim sahsi tecrubelerimde de yasadigim Turkiye'ye has bir anlayis var: Ulkemizde nezaket ve agirbaslilik maalesef "zayiflik" olarak algilanmakta ve ulke entellektualite paydasi ile duz orantili "basin" mensuplari da hem bu noktadan hemde rayting palavrasindan yola cikarak bazi insanlari parmaklarina dolayip kendilerince rezil kepaze edip uzerine cullaniyorlar. Utanc duyulmasi gereken, ayiplanmasi, lanetlenmesi gereken bir durum soz konusu olmakla birlikte bizim millet (ve bizim camia) su akar biz bakar misali ses seda cikarmadan izlemekle yetiniyor.
Mircea Lucescu iste bu tur bir futbol intellektuelidir. Kendisi ile defalarca gorusmus Ukrayna'da da ziyaretine gitmistim. Hatta orada bir lig macina cikmadan 1 saat once benimle oturup sohbet etmek nezaketini gostermis, agirbasli, mutevazi, candan bir adamdir Lucescu. Biz, Turkiye'nin en seckin camiasi ve hesapta en entel ve en avrupai gurubu Galatasaraylilar bu adama "cingene" dedik, futboldan anlamiyor dedik,giyimini kusamini dilimize dolayip alay ettik ve Galatasaray'i tarihinin en mutevazi kadrosu ile sampiyon yapip, sampiyonlar liginde de yari final oynatan, Real Madrid'i yenerek Super Kupayi kazanan bu adami uyduruk bir imparatoru secim malzemesi yapmak icin geri getirip, onu da kovduk.
O sesini cikartmadan gidip ayni basariyi Besiktas'ta tekrarladi ve mutevazi Besiktas'i sampiyon yapti. Ne yazikki ayni tiyatro Besiktas kulubunde de sahneye konmus ve zamanin baskaninin kumar borcunun kefaletini odetmek icin seneler sonra Besiktas'a sampiyonlugu getirmis Lucescu oradan da kovulmustu.
Ayni Lucescu Ukrayna'da Shaktar Donetsk'in basina getirilmis, kendisine acik cek verilmis alt yapidan 1. takima kadar herseyi yeniden yapilandirmis Ukrayna'nin, belkide Avrupa'nin en guzel tesisleri yapilmis ve emrine verilmis, super modern ve mukemmel bir stadyum yapilmis, el ustunde tutulmus ve sonunda da bu adi sani henuz duyulmamis mutevazi komur iscileri kulubunu Avrupa Kupasi sahibi yapmisti.
Simdi soruyorum: Bu adami kovan, alay eden, ulkenin en mutena kulubunu iflasin esigine getirmis, yaptigi her isi yuzune gozune bulastirmis, 3 yilda 300 milyon eurodan fazla para harcamis, yaptigi hic bir transferden karli cikamamis, borc altinda inim inim inleyen kulup yoneticileri hala Ocak ayi "mercato" doneminde yine yeniden abuk sabuk transferler yapmaya hazirlaniyorken, yaptiklari yapacaklarinin teminati olan bu ayni yonetimlere, bu kafalara yine ibra yoluyla destekmi olunacak??????
Gelenekleriniz ve gorenekleriniz hayirli olsun diyorum ve Galatasaray'in UEFA kriterleri uygulandiginda nerelere dusecegini simdiden kestirebiliyorum.
Yillardir bu kafa ile elini kaldir elini indir 80/100 kisi ile yuzmilyonlarca eurolari har vurup harman savuran yonetimleri gelenek ve goreneklerimiz icabi ibra ettigimiz icindirki bu duruma dustuk. Bunlar daha iyi gunlerimiz. Gordugum kadariyla Fransizlarin tabiri ile "le pire est a venir".....(en kotusu yolda)
Sari Kirmizi sevgilerimle
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Deloitte Football Money League
La Deloitte Football Money League est un classement des clubs de football d'après leurs revenus dans le domaine du football. Le classement, établi annuellement par le cabinet d'audit Deloitte, permet de comparer la puissance financière des clubs de football. Il est publié au début du mois de février et se rapporte à la saison récemment terminée.
Sommaire[masquer] |
Classement des clubs [modifier]
Saison 2004-2005 [modifier]
Rang | Club | Revenus1,2 | Pays |
1. | Real Madrid | 275.7 | |
2. | Manchester United | 246.4 | |
3. | AC Milan | 234.0 | |
4. | Juventus | 229.4 | |
5. | Chelsea | 220.8 | |
6. | FC Barcelona | 207.9 | |
7. | Bayern Munich | 189.5 | |
8. | Liverpool | 181.2 | |
9. | Inter de Milan | 177.2 | |
10. | Arsenal | 171.3 | |
11. | AS Roma | 131.8 | |
12. | Newcastle United | 128.9 | |
13. | Tottenham Hotspur | 104.5 | |
14. | Schalke 04 | 97.4 | |
15. | Olympique lyonnais | 92.9 | |
16. | Celtic | 92.7 | |
17. | Manchester City | 90.1 | |
18. | Everton | 88.8 | |
19. | Valencia CF | 84.6 | |
20. | Lazio | 83.1 |
Saison 2005-2006 [modifier]
Le chiffre généré total des vingt clubs les plus riches dépasse les 3,3 milliards d'euros.
Rang | Club | Revenus1,3 | Pays |
1. | Real Madrid | 292.2 | |
2. | FC Barcelona | 259.1 | |
3. | Juventus | 251.2 | |
4. | Manchester United | 242.6 | |
5. | AC Milan | 238.7 | |
6. | Chelsea | 221.0 | |
7. | Inter de Milan | 206.6 | |
8. | Bayern Munich | 204.7 | |
9. | Arsenal | 177.4 | |
10. | Liverpool | 176.0 | |
11. | Olympique lyonnais | 127.7 | |
12. | AS Roma | 127.0 | |
13. | Newcastle United | 124.3 | |
14. | Schalke 04 | 122.9 | |
15. | Tottenham Hotspur | 107.2 | |
16. | Hamburger SV | 101.8 | |
17. | Manchester City | 89.4 | |
18. | Rangers | 88.5 | |
19. | West Ham United | 86.9 | |
20. | Benfica Lisbonne | 85.1 |
Saison 2006-2007 [modifier]
Le chiffre généré total des vingt clubs les plus riches du monde atteint 3,73 milliards d'euros.
Rang | Club | Revenus1,4 | Pays |
1. | Real Madrid | 351.0 | |
2. | Manchester United | 315.2 | |
3. | FC Barcelona | 290.1 | |
4. | Chelsea | 283.0 | |
5. | Arsenal | 263.9 | |
6. | AC Milan | 227.2 | |
7. | Bayern Munich | 223.3 | |
8. | Liverpool | 198.9 | |
9. | Inter de Milan | 195.0 | |
10. | AS Roma | 157.6 | |
11. | Tottenham Hotspur | 153.1 | |
12. | Juventus | 145.2 | |
13. | Olympique lyonnais | 140.6 | |
14. | Newcastle United | 129.4 | |
15. | Rangers | 120.4 | |
16. | Schalke 04 | 114.3 | |
17. | Celtic | 111.8 | |
18. | Valencia CF | 107.6 | |
19. | Olympique de Marseille | 99.0 | |
20. | Werder Bremen | 97.3 |
Saison 2007-2008 [modifier]
Rang | Club | Revenus1,5 | Pays |
1 | Real Madrid | 365.8 | |
2. | Manchester United | 324.8 | |
3. | FC Barcelona | 308.8 | |
4. | Bayern Munich | 295.3 | |
5. | Chelsea | 268.9 | |
6. | Arsenal | 264.0 | |
7. | Liverpool | 210.9 | |
8. | AC Milan | 209.5 | |
9. | AS Roma | 175.4 | |
10. | Inter de Milan | 172.9 | |
11. | Juventus | 167.5 | |
12. | Olympique lyonnais | 155.7 | |
13. | Schalke 04 | 148.4 | |
14. | Tottenham Hotspur | 145.0 | |
15. | Hamburger SV | 127.9 | |
16. | Olympique de Marseille | 126.8 | |
17. | Newcastle United | 125.6 | |
18. | VfB Stuttgart | 111.5 | |
19. | Fenerbahçe SK | 111.3 | |
20. | Manchester City | 104.0 |
Saison 2008-2009 [modifier]
Rang | Club | Revenus1,6 | Pays | Évolution |
1. | Real Madrid C.F. | 401.4 | ||
2. | FC Barcelona | 365.9 | ||
3. | Manchester United | 327.0 | ||
4. | Bayern Munich | 289.5 | ||
5. | Arsenal | 263.0 | ||
6. | Chelsea | 242.3 | ||
7. | Liverpool | 217.0 | ||
8. | Juventus | 203.2 | ||
9. | Inter de Milan | 196.5 | ||
10. | AC Milan | 196.5 | ||
11. | Hamburger SV | 146.7 | ||
12. | AS Roma | 146.4 | ||
13. | Olympique lyonnais | 139.6 | ||
14. | Olympique de Marseille | 133.2 | ||
15. | Tottenham Hotspur | 132.7 | ||
16. | Schalke 04 | 124.5 | ||
17. | Werder Bremen | 114.7 | ||
18. | Dortmund | 103.5 | ||
19. | Manchester City | 101.2 | ||
20. | Newcastle United | 101.0 |
Évolution par club [modifier]
Le tableau suivant retrace l'évolution des revenus en millions d'euros des premiers clubs au classement.
Rang | Club | 2008-20096 | 2007-20085 | 2006-20074 | 2005-20063 | 2004-20052 | Pays |
1. | Real Madrid | 401.4 | 365.8 | 351.8 (1) | 292.2 (1) | 275.7 (1) | |
2. | Manchester United | 327.0 | 324.8 | 315.4 (2) | 242.6 (4) | 246.4 (2) | |
3. | FC Barcelona | 365.9 | 308.8 | 291.1 (3) | 259.1 (2) | 207.9 (6) | |
4. | Bayern Munich | 289.5 | 295.3 | 223.7 (7) | 204.7 (8) | 189.5 (7) | |
5. | Chelsea | 242.3 | 268.9 | 284.4 (4) | 221.0 (6) | 220.8 (5) | |
6. | Arsenal | 263.0 | 264.4 | 264.2 (5) | 177.4 (9) | 171.3 (10) | |
7. | Liverpool | 217.0 | 210.9 | 202.1 (8) | 176.0 (10) | 181.2 (8) | |
8. | AC Milan | 196.5 | 209.5 | 227.7 (6) | 238.7 (5) | 234.0 (3) | |
9. | AS Roma | 146.4 | 175.4 | 157.7 (10) | 127.0 (12) | 131.8 (11) | |
10. | Inter de Milan | 196.5 | 172.9 | 195.4 (9) | 206.6 (7) | 177.2 (9) |
Classement des championnats nationaux [modifier]
Saison 2005-2006 [modifier]
Rang | Ligue | Revenus7,3 | Pays |
1. | Premier League | 700 | |
2. | Serie A | 490 | |
3. | Bundesliga | 389 | |
4. | La Liga | 275 | |
5. | Major League Soccer | 160 | |
6. | Ligue 1 | 150 | |
7. | J. League | 129 | |
8. | Eredivisie | 125 | |
9. | The Championship | 125 | |
10. | Campeonato Brasileiro Série A | 124 |
Real Madrid becomes the first sports team in the world to generate €400m in revenues as it tops Deloitte Football Money League |
- On-pitch dominance takes Barcelona second as Manchester United slip to third
- Clubs remain recession resilient with the majority showing revenue growth
- Arsenal climbs to fifth as seven English clubs feature in Top 20
Real Madrid remains the world’s largest revenue generating football club, for the fifth consecutive year, according to the latest Football Money League from business advisory firm Deloitte. Real also becomes the first team in any sport to record revenues in excess of €400m in a single year.
Barcelona overtook Manchester United to finish second, with the English Champions falling to third in the report, which ranks the 20 biggest football clubs in the world based on revenue. Analysis in the Football Money League covers the 2008/09 season and is the most contemporary and reliable analysis of clubs’ relative financial performance.
Overall revenues for the Top 20 clubs increased in 2008/09 and were over €3.9 billion, as top clubs showed relative resistance to the economic downturn. Whilst combined revenue growth for the top 20 clubs slowed compared to previous years, the majority of clubs achieved revenue increases in local currency in 2008/09.
Dan Jones, Partner in the Sports Business Group at Deloitte, commented: “Real Madrid’s 10% increase in revenue to €401m (£342m) came despite a relatively disappointing season domestically and in Europe. Broadcast income provided Real with its largest increase in revenue, and at €161m (£137m) is now greater than the total revenue of all but the top ten Money League clubs.
“FC Barcelona’s unprecedented on-pitch success, winning a domestic double and the Champions League, helped drive a revenue increase by €57m, the largest absolute increase of any Money League club, to €366m. This resulted in a Spanish one-two at the top of the Money League as, like in Rome last May, Barcelona proved just too strong for Manchester United. United slip to third and, like other English clubs, were impacted by the continuing depreciation of the Pound Sterling against the Euro. The scale of this is shown by the fact that if exchange rates remained at their June 2007 level, United would be top of the Money League table.”
Arsenal returned to the top five in the Money League after a one year absence, climbing one place to replace London rivals Chelsea, with a 7% increase in revenue to £224m (€263m). Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester City and Newcastle United complete the seven English clubs in this year’s Money League.
All of this year’s top 20 clubs are from the ‘big five’ European leagues with Germany contributing five clubs, Italy four, and France and Spain represented by two clubs each.
All of this year’s top 20 clubs are from the ‘big five’ European leagues with Germany contributing five clubs, Italy four, and France and Spain represented by two clubs each.
There is now almost a €50m gap between tenth and eleventh place in the Money League. For certain clubs outside the top ten, consistent qualification for the Champions League combined with increased revenue opportunities from planned new facilities may allow them to bridge this gap.
Alan Switzer, Director in the Sports Business Group, said: “Real Madrid and FC Barcelona have created a clear revenue gap between themselves and their European competitors, and look set to contest the top two positions in the Money League for the foreseeable future, particularly if the Pound doesn’t strengthen against the Euro. However, new improved Premier League broadcast contracts, and in particular strong growth in the value of the league’s international rights, will provide a revenue boost to English clubs from 2010/11.
Paul Rawnsley, Director in the Sports Business Group, commented: “We continue to assert that the game’s top clubs are well placed to meet the challenges presented by the difficult economic environment. Their large and loyal supporter bases, ability to drive broadcast audiences, and continuing attraction to corporate partners provide a strong base to underpin revenues. This premise is supported by clubs’ revenue performance in 2008/09. However it will not be until 2009/10, the season currently in progress, before we see the full impact on clubs’ revenues.
Jones concluded: “Whilst there has been much recent comment on the finances of English football clubs, we believe the fundamentals of football remain strong. Financial problems experienced at the very highest level are far more likely to be a result of mismanagement, weak cost control or a lack of available credit than any problems with revenue generation.”
Note to editors
The Deloitte Football Money League – 2008/09 revenue
Position (prior year position) | Club | Revenue (£m) | Revenue (€m) |
1 (1) | Real Madrid | 341.9 | 401.4 |
2 (3) | FC Barcelona | 311.7 | 365.9 |
3 (2) | Manchester United | 278.5 | 327.0 |
4 (4) | Bayern Munich | 246.6 | 289.5 |
5 (6) | Arsenal | 224.0 | 263.0 |
6 (5) | Chelsea | 206.4 | 242.3 |
7 (8) | Liverpool | 184.8 | 217.0 |
8 (11) | Juventus | 173.1 | 203.2 |
9 (10) | Internazionale | 167.4 | 196.5 |
10 (7) | AC Milan | 167.4 | 196.5 |
11 (15) | Hamburger SV | 124.9 | 146.7 |
12 (9) | AS Roma | 124.7 | 146.4 |
13 (12) | Olympique Lyonnais | 118.9 | 139.6 |
14 (16) | Olympique de Marseille | 113.5 | 133.2 |
15 (14) | Tottenham Hotspur | 113.0 | 132.7 |
16 (13) | Schalke 04 | 106.0 | 124.5 |
17 (n/a) | Werder Bremen | 97.7 | 114.7 |
18 (20) | Borussia Dortmund | 88.1 | 103.5 |
19 (n/a) | Manchester City | 87.0 | 102.2 |
20 (17) | Newcastle United | 86.0 | 101.0 |
Source: Deloitte Football Money League 2010
This press release is based on the Deloitte Football Money League published in March 2010. As explained more fully in the publication, the revenue figures are extracted from each club’s annual financial statements, or other direct sources, for the 2008/09 season.
The two clubs that have dropped out of the Money League for 2008/09 (compared to the top 20 clubs based on 2007/08 revenue) are VfB Stuttgart and Fenerbahce.
There are many ways of examining the relative size, wealth or value of football clubs. For the Money League, revenue has been used as the most easily available and comparable measure of financial performance.
Revenue excludes player transfer fees, value added tax and other sales related taxes. In a few cases adjustments have been made to total revenue figures to enable, in our view, a more meaningful comparison of the football business on a club by club basis. For instance, where information was available to us, significant non-football activities or capital transactions have been excluded from revenue. Some revenue differences between clubs, or over time, will arise due to different commercial arrangements and how the transactions are recorded in clubs’ financial statements; or due to different ways in which accounting practice is applied such that the same type of transaction might be recorded in different ways.
We have not performed any verification work or audited any of the information contained in the clubs’ financial statements or other sources for the purpose of the publication.
For the purpose of the international comparisons, all figures for the 2008/09 season have been translated at 30 June 2009 exchange rates (£1 = €1.1741). The exchange rate for Pound Sterling to the Euro fell by 7% between 30 June 2008 and 30 June 2009. Comparative figures have been extracted from previous editions of the Money League.
Later this year the Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance will be published, providing a more detailed analysis of the English and European football finance landscape.
About the Sports Business Group at Deloitte
Over the last 15 years Deloitte has developed a unique focus on the business of sport. Our specialist Sports Business Group offers a multi-disciplined expert service with dedicated people and skills capable of adding significant value to the business of sport. Whether it is benchmarking or strategic business reviews, operational turnarounds, revenue enhancement strategies or stadium/venue development plans, business planning, market and demand analysis, acquisitions, due diligence, expert witness, audits or tax planning; we have worked with more clubs, leagues, governing bodies, stadia developers, event organisers, commercial partners, financiers and investors than any other adviser.
For further information on our services you can access our website
About Deloitte
In this press release references to Deloitte are references to Deloitte LLP, which is among the country's leading professional services firms.
Deloitte LLP is the United Kingdom member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (‘DTT’), a Swiss Verein, whose member firms are legally separate and independent entities. Please for a detailed description of the legal structure of DTT and its member firms.
The information contained in this press release is correct at the time of going to press.
Last Updated: 2 mars 2010
Real Madrid remains top of the Football Money League as Sterling’s slide puts brakes on English clubs |
Seven English clubs in the Top 20
Fenerbahce become first Turkish club to enter the Football Money League
Fenerbahce become first Turkish club to enter the Football Money League
Real Madrid remains the world’s largest revenue generating football club, according to the latest Football Money League from business advisory firm Deloitte. Manchester United and Barcelona finished second and third in the report, which ranks the 20 biggest football clubs in the world based on revenue. Each of the top three clubs generated revenues in excess of €300m. Analysis in the Football Money League is based on the latest financial information for the 2007/08 season.
Bayern Munich returns to the top five in the Money League for the first time in five years, climbing three places to fourth and is joined in the top five by Chelsea.
Dan Jones, Partner in the Sports Business Group at Deloitte, commented: “Whilst Real Madrid’s 4% revenue growth in 2007/08 is more modest than recent years, the club has now doubled its revenues since 2002 and enjoys a lead of €41m over Manchester United. With the club having announced that it is budgeting for revenues of €400m in 2008/09, it will be difficult for rivals to replace Real at the top of the Money League next year.”
“Manchester United’s on-pitch success in winning the Premier League and UEFA Champions League contributed to significantly increased revenue for 2007/08, although the depreciation of the Pound against the Euro means they remain in second position. All bar two of our Money League clubs generated increased revenue in 2007/08 and each club in the top 20 generated more than €100m in revenue in that season.”
Real Madrid increased revenue by €15m (4%) to take their total to €366m (£290m). Manchester United’s performances on the pitch in 2007/08 resulted in a £45m (21%) increase in revenue to £257m, which translates to €325m. Third placed Barcelona grew its revenue by €19m (6%) to €309m.
The impact of the exchange rate, and the depreciation of the Pound against the Euro has adversely impacted on the number and ranking of English clubs in the top 20. Jones added: “If the exchange rate value of the Pound had not depreciated, there would have been nine, rather than seven English clubs in the top 20 and Manchester United would have topped the Money League ahead of Real Madrid.”
The global top 20 is entirely populated by European clubs. In addition to the seven English clubs, Germany and Italy have four representatives each, Spain and France two clubs each, whilst Fenerbahce become the first Turkish club to feature in the top 20 since the creation of the Money League rankings in 1996/97.
Alan Switzer, Director in the Sports Business Group, says: “Bayern Munich is the biggest climber in this year’s top 10, moving up to fourth position. Despite not competing in the Champions League, revenues were boosted by the club acquiring 100% ownership of its home ground, the Allianz Arena.
“Fenerbahce and VfB Stuttgart, two of the three new entrants ‘promoted’ into the Money League, gain their top 20 position as a result of the significant revenue boost from competing in the Champions League. The other new entrant, Manchester City, secured 20th position largely due to the increase in broadcast monies received from the Premier League, in the season prior to the arrival of the club’s Abu Dhabi based owners.”
Football remains a growth sport, especially at the highest level. The top 20 clubs’ aggregate revenue grew by 6% (€220m) to €3.9 billion (£3.1 billion) in 2007/08. The top 20 clubs now generate more than three times the combined revenue of the clubs in the first Money League publication in 1996/97.
This year’s Money League is based on the latest available revenue figures in respect of the 2007/08 season, largely before the global economic downturn. Whilst next year’s Money League will show some early signs of how the changing economic environment is affecting the game’s top clubs (for the current 2008/09 season), it will not be until 2009/10 that there is a fuller picture of the impact.
Reflecting on the potential impact of the economic downturn on Money League clubs, Paul Rawnsley, Director in the Sports Business Group commented: “The unique nature of the football industry will enable major clubs to be relatively resistant to the economic downturn. Clubs’ match attendances are holding up well and clubs in each of England, Germany, France and Spain have TV deals secured well into the future at enhanced levels. However, the clubs are not complacent and will have to work hard to grow further matchday and commercial revenue streams for 2009/10.
“The English Premier League currently generates the highest level of broadcast rights value of any football league in the world. Despite the challenging economic environment, the Premier League has just secured a record value for live domestic broadcast rights for the seasons 2010/11 to 2012/13, up 4% to £1.782 billion. Given the worldwide popularity of the Premier League there is likely to be further uplift in value from overseas rights when they are marketed later this year.”
Note to editorsTo review the full findings of the Deloitte Football Money League and to hear a podcast featuring Dan Jones, please visit
The Deloitte Football Money League – 2007/08 revenue
Position (prior year position) | Club | Revenue (£m) | Revenue (£m) |
1 (1) | Real Madrid | 289.6 | 365.8 |
2 (2) | Manchester United | 257.1 | 324.8 |
3 (3) | FC Barcelona | 244.4 | 308.8 |
4 (7) | Bayern Munich | 233.8 | 295.3 |
5 (4) | Chelsea | 212.9 | 268.9 |
6 (5) | Arsenal | 209.3 | 264.4 |
7 (8) | Liverpool | 167.0 | 210.9 |
8 (6) | AC Milan | 165.8 | 209.5 |
9 (11) | AS Roma | 138.9 | 175.4 |
10 (9) | Internazionale | 136.9 | 172.9 |
11 (12) | Juventus | 132.6 | 167.5 |
12 (13) | Olympique Lyonnais | 123.3 | 155.7 |
13 (16) | Schalke 04 | 117.5 | 148.4 |
14 (10) | Tottenham Hotspur | 114.8 | 145.0 |
15 (15) | Hamburger SV | 101.3 | 127.9 |
16 (19) | Olympique de Marseille | 100.4 | 126.8 |
17 (14) | Newcastle United | 99.4 | 125.6 |
18 (n/a) | VfB Stuttgart | 88.3 | 111.5 |
19 (n/a) | Fenerbahce | 88.1 | 111.3 |
20 (n/a) | Manchester City | 82.3 | 104.0 |
Source: Deloitte Football Money League 2009
This press release is based on the Deloitte Football Money League published in February 2009. As explained more fully in the publication, the revenue figures are extracted from each club’s annual financial statements, or other direct sources, for the 2007/08 season.
The three clubs that have dropped out of the Money League for 2007/08 (compared to the top 20 clubs based on 2006/07 revenue) are Celtic, Valencia and Werder Bremen.
There are many ways of examining the relative size, wealth or value of football clubs. For the Money League, revenue has been used as the most easily available and comparable measure of financial performance.
Revenue excludes player transfer fees, value added tax and other sales related taxes. In a few cases adjustments have been made to total revenue figures to enable, in our view, a more meaningful comparison of the football business on a club by club basis. For instance, where information was available to us, significant non-football activities or capital transactions have been excluded from revenue. Some revenue differences between clubs, or over time, will arise due to different commercial arrangements and how the transactions are recorded in clubs’ financial statements; or due to different ways in which accounting practice is applied such that the same type of transaction might be recorded in different ways.
We have not performed any verification work or audited any of the information contained in the clubs’ financial statements or other sources for the purpose of the publication.
For the purpose of the international comparisons, all figures for the 2007/08 season have been translated at 30 June 2008 exchange rates (£1 = €1.2632). The exchange rate for Pound Sterling to the Euro fell by 15% between 30 June 2007 and 30 June 2008. Comparative figures have been extracted from previous editions of the Money League.
Later this year the Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance will be published, providing a more detailed analysis of the English and European football finance landscape.
About the Sports Business Group at DeloitteOver the last 15 years Deloitte has developed a unique focus on the business of sport. Our specialist Sports Business Group offers a multi-disciplined expert service with dedicated people and skills capable of adding significant value to the business of sport. Whether it is benchmarking or strategic business reviews, operational turnarounds, revenue enhancement strategies or stadium/venue development plans, business planning, market and demand analysis, acquisitions, due diligence, expert witness, audits or tax planning; we have worked with more clubs, leagues, governing bodies, stadia developers, event organisers, commercial partners, financiers and investors than any other adviser.
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In this press release references to Deloitte are references to Deloitte LLP, which is among the country's leading professional services firms. Deloitte is the United Kingdom member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ("DTT"), a Swiss Verein whose member firms are separate and independent legal entities. Neither DTT nor any of its member firms has any liability for each other's acts or omissions. Services are provided by member firms or their subsidiaries and not by DTT. Deloitte LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
The information contained in this press release is correct at the time of going to press.
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In this press release references to Deloitte are references to Deloitte LLP, which is among the country's leading professional services firms. Deloitte is the United Kingdom member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ("DTT"), a Swiss Verein whose member firms are separate and independent legal entities. Neither DTT nor any of its member firms has any liability for each other's acts or omissions. Services are provided by member firms or their subsidiaries and not by DTT. Deloitte LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
The information contained in this press release is correct at the time of going to press.
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Last Updated: 29 janvier 2010
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